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.Sunday Catch Up.

We all know that life gets in the way sometimes. Unfortunately for me over the past few weeks a lot has been happening and I have had barley any time to concentrate on my little blog!

Things are finally starting to settle down and I am more than ready to focus my time and energy back on to my little space on the internet.

I figured that there is no better way to get myself back into blogging than a quick catch up post with you guys!


.New beginnings.

So I suppose the biggest and most exciting bit of news I have to share is that in 3 weeks time, I will be starting a new job!

For those of you who don't know, I work as a dental nurse and have done for the past 4 years. The practice that I currently work at was where I trained and is the only place I have worked (as a nurse I mean). I decided over the summer that it was time for me to open myself some doors and began to search for new opportunities within my line of work. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago and I was receiving a call offering me a job after interviewing the night before. Although I absolutely LOVE where I currently work, and the thought of leaving those who have been so good to me over the last 4 years terrifies me, it is time for me to move on. For me the next few weeks will be filled with all types of emotions. I am someone who despises change and so for me to make this decision certainly was not easy. I am also someone who finds 'goodbyes' very hard.

My last day is going to be a tough one.

But its onwards and upwards! Not all changes are bad ones!

'And suddenly you just know its time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings'


.Mini break away.

Over the summer, one of my best friends whom I have know from the age of 17 moved away. She and her gorgeous little boy moved down to Torquay, Devon to be with her partner and start their lives together before baby number 2 makes her arrival in November.

That being said, myself and my other best friend took a 5 1/2 hour road trip down to Torquay last Friday to spend the weekend with our third musketeer and attend her baby shower! We had the most lovely weekend catching up and spending time together and had the best time at her beautiful baby shower. It was a relaxing and enjoyable weekend away and so so lovely. Before we left on the Sunday, we drove up to the gorgeous 'Thatchers Rock'. The views were absolutely stunning and the gorgeous weather only added to to experience. We even saw a few seals gliding through the waves. All in all it was a beautiful weekend getaway spent with lovely people and enjoying the beauty that is Torquay.

'I just need some time in a beautiful place to clear my head'


.Learning to believe in myself. I am far from confident and part of the reason it has taken me so long to actually start my blog is due to my confidence. I am constantly doubting myself weather it be my writing ability, photography skills or just myself in general. I have always had it in the back of my head that my blog will fail and that i'll get the 'well I don't know why you would do that anyway whose going to want to read what you've got to say?' speech.

However over the last 3 weeks or so I have given myself a good talking to and decided to just do what makes me happy. So what if my writing isn't the best and my photographs aren't the most beautiful. I am enjoying what I am doing and at the end of the day I am doing it for myself. One thing that has spurred me on though is those that I know personally giving me positive feedback. It means so so much to me to know that there are people out there that enjoy my posts and the do revisit each time I post!

So thank you for giving me the confidence to continue.

'Inhale confidence, exhale doubt'


.Making decisions.

Leading off of my new and improved confidence, I have been working on something new (in my head mostly but now on paper too). Now i'm not going to talk too much about this right now as I still want to finalise my initial plans and put them into action, but it is something that I am so excited for. I will (hopefully) be talking more in depth about this towards the end of the month but for now this is taking up some time. Much like my blog, this is something I have been toying with doing for a good while and I have finally reached a decision- IM DOING IT!

(Sorry to be so mysterious but I couldn't not write about it- i'm to giddy ha!)

'Your always one decision away from a totally different life'


.Simple Sunday. Today was spent in comfy clothes, drinking coffee, eating rubbish and just generally relaxing. I drew myself a lovely relaxing bath and took time for myself. I was able to catch up on things I had neglected (my skin, my hair, blogging etc), got some fresh air whilst walking the dog and most importantly I actually managed to have a lie in!

Over the past few weeks I have learnt to be selfish and put myself first. I am so excited to watch my little blog grow and grow, to see the effect of my latest decisions and to all in all make the most of what I am doing.

Thank you for the support and love,

I can't wait to continue.


'The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams'


The beautiful Thatchers Rock, Torquay.

My beautiful Barney on his Sunday afternoon walk.

Taking time for yourself is so important- appreciate everything around you.

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