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.50 things that make me happy.

Although this time of year is my favourite, for many people the cold weather and dark dreary days bring down their mood. It is always a good idea to keep spirits up by remaining as positive as you can. Today I took the time to put together a list of 50 things that make me happy in the hope of inspiring you all to keep your chin up and be happy.

1. You are healthy.

2. You are loved.

3. Sunrises.

4. Sunsets.

5. Long weekends.

6. Fridays.

7. Singing along to the radio (even if you can't sing).

8. Eating your favourite foods. 9. Road trips for a special occasion.

10. Long lie ins.

11. Hugs.

12. Kisses.

13. Walks through the countryside.

14. Alone time (we all love and need it).

15. Changing into comfy clothes.

16. Coffee.

17. Tea.

18. Cookies.

19. 8 hours plus sleep.

20. Holding hands.

21. Inspirational quotes.

22. Movie nights.

23. Cozy blankets.

24. Flowers.

25. Candles.

26. Perfume.

27. Phone calls.

28. Text messages.

29. Hot showers.

30. Bubble baths.

31. Lush bath bombs.

32. New episodes/ season of your favourite television series.

33. Wearing your favourite outfit.

34. Being organised. 35. Making somebody else smile. 36. Making new friends.

37. Being told your good at something.

38. Good news.

39. Looking back at old photographs.

40. Reminiscing old memories with those closest to you. 41. Birthdays.

42. Christmas.

43. New years eve.

44. When something you were dreading works out so well. 45. Feeling comfortable in yourself. 46. New clothes/ shoes.

47. Fresh bedding.

48. Tidy bedroom/ living room etc.

49. Making changes to your life.

50. Knowing the best is just around the corner.

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