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.5 Reasons To Love Autumn.

Autumn is, and always has been my favourite season of the year. Finally we can say goodbye to the disappointing 'summer' weather, holiday jealousy and rained off BBQs and say hello to the crisp leaves, comfort foods and cosy jumpers.

Its the best season hands down.

Here are my top five reasons to love Autumn!



Cosy Nights.

Don't get me wrong, I love being sat in a beer garden with a cider in my hand as much as the next person, but you just can't beat a night in. Theres something about being curled up on the sofa with a hot chocolate in hand watching your favourite TV series that makes me so happy. Add in some candles (my current favourite is the NO2. luxury fragranced candle in the scent 'blackberry and bay' from Aldi- its amazing!) and some comfort food- cheese on toast is always a winner- and you've got the perfect night!

There is nothing better than home comforts.



I LOVE the combination of yellows, browns, oranges and reds that scatter the ground as more and more leaves escape from the trees.The colours add so much to the surrounding scenery and make everywhere look so photogenic. Everything seems so crips and clear.

I recently visited my local city of Chester and took a walk along the river and through the park. It was the perfect opportunity to take photographs and I was so please with the results!



I am never more comfortable than I am in an oversized jumper, leggings, thick socks and boots. Throw me a bobble hat and a scarf and i'm good to go! I would much rather cover myself up than walk round in a vest top and shorts so the minute the first leaf lands on the ground thats it- the summer wardrobe is packed away! I'm currently living in thick tights, thick dresses/ skirts and denim jackets. (Particularly the one featured in my #OOTD post- have you caught up?)



Growing up I was never a huge fan of halloween, mainly because myself and my brother never went trick or treating and so I didn't see the point of it. However over the past few years I have began to appreciate the fun in the holiday! Coming up with costume ideas, having pumpkin carving competitions, attending parties etc, I love it all!



This reason really speaks for itself. The first official day of Autumn here in the uk in 2017 was Friday 22nd September meaning that from this day there was only 94 days until the best day of the year. Lets face it, who doesn't love the excitement you feel when wrapping presents, or the feeling you get in your tummy on Christmas Eve night! Christmas is without a doubt the most amazing day of the year and Autumn only brings us closer to this!


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